The Adventure of the Messenger

Maxim Otten-Kamp
22 min readDec 8, 2021


King’s Observatory London

A short Sherlock Holmes pastiche

It was the most straining of mysteries that Sherlock Holmes would ever encounter. It was one of his greatest challenges as it dealt with some of his greatest weakness’s. Some readers may remember my first outing with my companion Mr sherlock Holmes, where I outlaid a list of his strengths and weaknesses. This list obviously does not hold up to my initial meeting with Holmes. He has educated himself on some issues as we have encountered them. After for instance his surprise in the scandal in Bohemia, he has reshaped his view of women but maintained a cynical and alien nature to them. This is of course except when his mind is committed to a case and then from out from nowhere comes a great seductive and charismatic nature. It is fascinating to experience first-hand It. Holmes was hesitant for me to publish this case file to the public but I think he feels now in his retirement and after the events in the former Tsarist empire it could no longer be hidden. As much as Holmes feels my cataloguing of his successes are misrepresented, he is also hesitant of my depiction of his failures. This case was a challenge to Holmes and me. As it struck at the very core of our stature but also threatened the Great British empire.

It was an early winters day in December 1903, when a deep banging was heard against the front of Baker Street. I had come back to visit from my practice the night before. Holmes and I had engaged unusually in a larger take of a meal along with some port. Which seemingly hit me harder than it did in my days in the service. I heard Mrs Hudson rush to the door as I got dressed. so that I could see what was going on, I made it to my own door half-dressed to see Mycroft Holmes making his way up the stairs and dismissing Mrs Hudson as she enquired to what was so urgent. As I peeked through the crack of my door I slipped on my shirt and straightened my suspenders to see Mycroft just barge into Sherlocks room.

It was about a minute later that I made my way to the room as well to see a rather engaged Holmes laying leisurely across a chair with what seems to be a self-made cup of tea and pipe in hand. The pipe itself was not lit but I could deduce it soon would be well in use as Mycroft told his story. Mycroft gave me a glance before sighing in an exaggerated fashion and looking at Holmes, pausing in what was seemingly a most entrancing narrative. Holmes realizing the lapse in dictation gave a welcoming look to me and directed me towards a chair. Mycroft gave another look to Holmes before stating “I do believe this is quite out of Dr Watsons field of expertise”. Holmes gave pause and in almost aggravated tone “Brother Mycroft if this Mission is so important that you need my skills then I should have my choice of assets to complete such a task. Many have tried to exclude Watson from these cases, but he is crucial as both a mirror and moral support.” “I don’t think we need him recording this case, in particular let alone his ability to play with the truth” retorted Mycroft. Holmes stood his ground with nothing more than a disappointed glare at his brother. Mycroft sat in silence for 30 second before “fine, but if this leaked to the papers, I cannot protect you from the consequences.” “It is a deal” ejaculated Holmes. I sighed with relief from such a tense show down between the brothers.

Mycroft began “I shall start from the beginning as I was not that deep into the explanation. There is seemingly a subgroup of subversives in London currently. We do not know their aims exactly, but they have grand designs on empire or on the other empires of Europe. They seem better organised than previous groups and we do not need a powder keg to erupt.” “Forgive me but I hardly see what the case is here for me to solve. Surely any anarchist or nationalist troublemaker will be handled by the authorities and besides brother you know my interest in politics is extremely absent.” Mycroft seemed a bit cross at this rejection but would then counter “these subversives are not something we have really seen before. The last major recorded instance of their attempts was that of Paris commune in 1871. However, they seem to be coming together en masse in London. Truly if I thought such skills as yours were available elsewhere, I would have never inquired here but our men have seemingly lost the group. All except one, who is rather stationary in Duncan Terrace Gardens. “Stationary?” I exulted. “Dead” Mycroft clarified. Sherlock Holmes seemed to flash with excitement as his eyes widened for half a second as he then looked down to start filling his pipe. “There are two things missing if you wish me to take on this case, 1 is the explanation at your personal inquest at my involvement in this inquiry. 2 That I have a deeper explanation of the intentions of this group so I can deduce further what I will need.” He took two quick puffs and laid back on his chair. Mycroft seemingly understanding that my companion knew there was more than that was being told mulled with himself for a few moments. When just as he was about to divulge, a set of footsteps came up to the open doorway leading into the room. A young man who seemed unlike the usual messenger to Baker Street came in holding a letter. “Mr Holmes?” The boy enquired looking around without seemingly any idea of who he was exactly looking for. My companion sat up slowly taking another puff of his pipe inviting the young man over to him. Upon taking the letter Holmes commented “that is a strange accent you have, where are you from?” he seemed nervous to respond but then stated “I am Jewish, but my parents came here before I was born. So, we are not from anywhere besides those of us who think we should go back to the holy land.” Holmes seemed uninterested with the response he was given and just began on the letter he had just received. I am noticing Holmes’s lack of decorum handed the young man a penny encouraging him to be on his way.

“Now this is interesting” Holmes began “It seems we have had a what other people would call a great coincidence. You brother, have come to me with desire for action upon these subversives when at this incredibly early hour I am contacted seemingly by one of these possible anarchists.” Mycroft who was not a man easily surprised was minorly shocked at this unique moment. “It seems I may have been followed or indeed the intent was always to make your contact… may I see that letter. Holmes handed it over and puffed his pipe once again “I think I will take this case as it seems we are not dealing with an average set of dreamers or extremists. This could be a great challenge to my skills, that I have been seeking for some time”. I started “but Holmes what did the letter say?” “Oh, I apologise my dear Watson” as he gripped the letter back from Mycroft.

“Mr Sherlock Holmes how long will you act on the behalf of Feudalism as capitalism becomes the new master. Will you serve its interest as loyally as your last, Will you stand against the bourgeois and petty bourgeoisie thugs who imprison the proletariat? If you do continue your ways as nothing more than hired police service, will you not be subject to the sway of revolution. One that will not be isolating and become an all-encompassing fire to those who continue to oppress. I hope at this crucial time you too can look beyond your class interests towards something that is bigger than yourself. I have seen your exploits in the papers as published by Dr Watson I would say that whilst some of the criminals captured are indeed deserving there are others where you act only in the interest of the powerful and greedy. You do not need to be agent of the state I hope to see you on the right side when the class warfare occurs. Signed L.B.”

“Mycroft I will take your case but before we go much further, I need you to be honest with me, not only am I your brother so my inclinations to your dishonestly are more acute but you gave yourself away.” Mycroft and I seemed astounded. Mycroft then relaxed “oh what have I not told you brother dearest; I know you could not have deduced much from me as I came in today, so I dare you to disprove my accusation.” Holmes held strong until he smiled, and the tension broke. “You are the only person to call my bluff brother. I will get ready but if I find anything unsavoury or that this case does lack my interest, I will retreat from this and allow you to be more active then you normally are in these on goings.

Over the next hour we got ready and made our way to the scene of the crime. I should say for the sake of the readers understanding that there was something on my mind during this case. Sherlock Holmes was reaching his 50 birthday and I too was not the young man I used to be in and was in the process of leaving Holmes’s service. My practice had only gotten busier, and my wife had become impatient with my absenteeism. That whilst this not related to the case it does give some insight to some of my actions.

We arrived at the gardens two see a small crowd along with two policemen standing over the body of a man. Holmes seemed determined and certain of his actions. An officer began to speak when my companion cut him off “the body has been moved has it not” This startled as what I could see now was a younger police officer then I had first observed. “Well not quite Mr Holmes he was shot and staggered” “and you were on duty and so you observed what occurred?” Holmes interrogated. “Oh, I did not see the shot, but I did hear the scream of the man. “Interesting, and I don’t suppose a projectile was found?” Holmes seemed to ask this question knowing the answer he would receive. “Well, no sir”. “Quite right well Watson do you have any ideas?” “uhh” I stammered for a moment “Well without a projectile could there have been projectile that passed straight through the man?” “The seems to be no sign the projectile left the body” said homes as he turned over the body inspecting the untorn flesh and clothes on the front of the man. “Could have someone removed it after the fact?” I continued theorizing. Holmes “don’t be a fool Watson for the perpetrator to shoot the man seemingly close range and remove the item all within… how long did it take you to respond to the action here?” Holmes changed pace as he directed this question to the constable. “Uh, I would not half think at most half a minute.” “Precisely the time to act would certain give our fine officers here time to catch the criminal in the act or even the most skilled surgeon making their escape”. “Then what is our next move?” I queried, “well I would say from the smell of the man he had been drinking the night of the incident, where is the closest pub from here?” “It would have to be the Three Johns pub 2 blocks away” “a curious place indeed, well Watson you should go there tonight, and I’ll meet you there. “But Holmes it is only morning what will I do for the rest of the day” “I want you stick around the Pub and wait for it to open. Walk around the block and note everything you see; it is desperately important that you do this” “If you say so Holmes but what will you be doing?” I have a few errands to run but I’ll tell you of them if they become fruitful tonight”

I would leave Holmes and begin my day in a confusing party of London. Not quite Islington, not Quite the Barnsbury estate or Pentonville. I walked for hours, and I believe made myself to be a tramp to any of the locals. This was not intentional of course but Holmes’s had once again put me in a rather difficult situation. Finally, the pub sprang open and with many of the local drunkards appearing just beforehand.

It seemed a rather popular establishment but for a cliental I was not at all l familiar with. I didn’t see any doctors or police officers that I have developed relations with over the years. I was however not discouraged and made my way to the bar and ordered a porter before making my way to a lone seat in the corner of the bar. I took a single sip when a young woman came up to me seemingly with a question burning on her mind. “Why are you here?” she stated firmly and without any loss of strength. I was rather taken a back by this showing and respond “well I just came to have beer and rest my feet. I have been walking all day I see I’m not here to be any trouble. Who are you in fact my dear?” She began at me “You look familiar, and I think I have seen you in the newspapers, but we don’t any reactionaries or agents of Billionaires to” Before she could finish a taller man had come and grabbed the arm of the lady with some force with stopped her in her tracks. She looked up at him for a moment and he began to speak to me “I’m sorry good sir this is just a misunderstanding please enjoy your drink and if want another don’t hesitate to come me and I’ll happily get you another to apologise for my friend’s rudeness”. I was now curious of the dynamic playing out in front me and responded in kind “I’ll have to take you up on that”. The man nodded politely but took his friend to the other side of the establishment and I assume away from my prying ears. I stayed in my position as my feet were in fact sore when seemed like a tramp stumbled into the bar already drunk. He seemed like one I passed a few round in my treks along the streets earlier that day. He seemed about the same height and size as my dear Holmes. As I have worked with him for quite a few years I almost sure it was him. The Tramp stumbled around for a few moments seemingly unclear on where he was or indeed what was occurring around him. The Barman began to accost the tramp and took him outside. I went to follow when another man bumped into me spilling the drink, I had all over my coat and onto his. The man wearing what seemed like a foreign attire from where I could not tell started yelling at me in a language, I couldn’t recognize with his bushy bearded getting to direct in my face. I apologized profusely until he seemingly got tired and wandered to a seat in a booth close to where young woman and man had planted themselves in what was becoming a larger and larger group.

Another couple of minutes past as I dabbed my coat with a lightly damp sponge that I had acquired from the wife of the barman to help extract the alcohol. I had moved myself to a booth now not too from the couple and their large group. It however was a fool errand, and I was going to have deal with this stain for now. As time passed, I soon became agitated my leg had become less sore but now not willing to do much else but rest. I however had to make a move, without any sign of Holmes I thought it best I inquired with the couple for that beer and catch something in the intrusion. There were seemingly many conversations occurring in this group some quiet but many passionate and even fierce. I could hear the woman who had confronted me now as I stepped ever closer “No comrade this couldn’t be ever further from the truth. We can’t limit ourselves to the economic it was Marx who said of woman ‘If women’s liberation is unthinkable without. Then a silence sank over the group as one of their members had noticed my encroachment and signalled to the rest of the group. He then called out “hey old man what do you want” The crowd turned and now all faced me with much contempt. “Oh, I’m very sorry I was just hoping for that beer I was promised” The man from the couple who was sitting down next to the woman rose from his seat with seemingly a slight pained look on his face before reforming it to smile “I never thought you would take me up on my gesture, but I guess I should have guessed that any good drunkard always needs another drink. Especially when they smell like you do” I was seemingly blessed the coat ensured I seemed more drunk than I actually was and to the group they lost their suspicions of me. “Oh, thank you kind sir I have just wet my lips and my thirst is hardly ever quenched “however just as I began to turn with the man, and he put his arm around me in a friendly embrace. The Tramp burst back into the bar now. He didn’t seem drunk, and I could see that it was in fact Holmes.

He saw straight through me to the booth behind me where the man who had bumped me had been sitting. However just as I almost gave away my friend in my deduction, I could hear screaming behind me. I turned and he had a revolver ready pointed towards the group and what seemed like another item with a lit fuse. I moved as quickly as I could, but I heard 3 shots go off and the explosive fly from his hand before I tackled him, and Holmes too joined to wrestle him to the ground. He screamed and fought against us, and we seemed to have him in hand when in almost perfect coordination we looked to where the bomb had landed, and it was only 2 feet away. Holmes and I moved quickly letting go of the assailant and ducking behind a booth. An immense sound burst across the room and wood could be heard being ripped from their place and scattered across the room.

After a moment or two we poked up to observe the destruction around us. A fire had begun close to the entrance of the Pub with parts of the floor and ceiling broken away. Burnt and torn wood scatted across the room. This however was not the worst of the damage we witnessed the group that had been talking moments before was now without sound. The young couple a lifeless heap blown to the corner of the room. The young man had seemingly run to his lover to protect her, but it was too late for them both. We made our way out of the building with smoke and dust covering out faces and clothing. A deep disappointment had sunk over my friend and his failure to prevent the incident. We discussed it quite openly for a moment outside the building as police and firemen approached what was becoming a fire. “Watson, I had figured out who it was, but I wasn’t quick enough making my way to you before they could act. I had thought much like us they weren’t to act so violently in a public setting” I responded “It was tragedy Holmes but there was nothing we could have done” “Yes there was… I had deduced our man long before I acted, and it was too late” he exclaimed “Even you the great sherlock Holmes will make mistakes” “no Watson I almost never do but here my body did not seem to move fast enough though my mind was indeed not diminished “Do we know where the terrorist went as I don’t think I spotted him in the aftermath?” I tried to change the subject as it seemed needless to dwell on the travesty. “No Watson there is something I don’t understand about this person, he is quick, not particularly bright as deduced from nearly getting into a fight with him, but he seems deeply fanatical. I’m glad you are keeping us on task and your keen eyes still have not failed you. I fear he will be going after the rest of his targets. The problem presently is that I’m not sure where they could be. They seem to be a rather subversive bunch dedicated to keeping themselves away from the public eye when they want.” I was going to inquire further as how he had figure as such and what he must have learnt over the last couple of hours. When I spotted a young man with glasses observed the destruction in a crowd that had come to gawk the scene. Holmes became resolute “that was the messenger from this morning, and it is not a mere coincidence” Holmes bellowed as he came to action. The man saw us moving towards him and began to bolt in the other direction. I pulled out my revolver and fired a shot into the air. The Young man stopped in his tracks and put his arms up as he turned around. The crowd around the building had a fright from the sound but soon returned to the fire as it continued to consume what was once the 3 Johns.

I began to search our suspect and he winced as he we began to address him “Yes, can I help you?” he sneered. Holmes seemingly recovered from his earlier self-doubt “This was our messenger from this morning with what I feel will be a very different message then this morning” The agitation seemed to only boil even further in the young man “I see that Sherlock Holmes has failed to prevent what could only be called a terrorist attack” “Is it your impression that I was sent here to prevent this tragedy?” Sherlock almost cheekily queried his young assailant, “Well it seems you have derelict you own duties, and your abilities are subpar. I hoped with such stories you have published that once you were on the case that you were almost always successful, but I can see a petty bourgeois lifestyle has made you stagnate” He gave me the most unimpressed look. There was such fire in the young man that Holmes too seemed unsure of what he was capable of, but he quickly reformed “I take it that you are L.B. from the letter I received this morning and no doubt you are key to this group that I have been sent to investigate” “seemingly you have failed to gain much at all” he retorted. “It seems that we have been misdirected would you not say Watson?” giving me a nod Holmes couldn’t be more at ease as he pulled out his pipe. “Where are the rest of you? If I am to prevent more bloodshed, I will need your cooperation” He stopped where he was and seemingly contemplated how he should respond.” I forgot to say this wasn’t a democratic decision grinned Holmes as he pushed him along to get him to start walking”

He seemed to lead us to the closest train station with the intention to travel from Islington to Richmond. These set of radicals had seemingly set themselves up for today near Kings observatory. We took out seats in the train and spoke to the pass the time. The young man stayed quiet until finally bursting with some anguish “You know I have followed your career quite closely and I could not be more disappointed in your abilities then at this time. How can the capitalist estate hold you up as paragon of virtue and logic?” Holmes’s seemed displeased but mostly indifferent to the scorn. “I’m not interested in how you feel about me or indeed your greater goals” Politics is not something that interests me, and critiques of my work have done little to dissuade my success” Holmes put flatly. “This is the great example of the ways in which you have failed to observe the ever-changing world around you. Your petty objection to growth seems only to maintain your power and hobby. That is what all of this is to you but a hobby and not the lives that are truly impacted-” I will not entertain this conversation further as it could not be more of a lie then to suggest I don’t have concern for my clients.” “Oh, how deeply comforting that who is deemed as the smartest man on earth has no ability to see his role as a mercenary for and the how structurally there lies the greater issues then some communists killed in a pub on his watch. They are not the victims but the soldiers trying to prevent the everyday struggle that impacts all of the proletariat. “This is a ridiculous line of discussion” “You are a foot soldier of imperial interests and only exist as an advocate of your state. You are used to show the self-correcting nature of your structure and nothing more.” The voice of this man drowned out for a moment as I focused on Sherlock. At first, I had thought these words did not impact my Holmes. The many times myself or others had become angry with him he had never budged from his stoic demeanour but here I saw something. Not for very long but something I don’t think I had ever seen Sherlock do. He seemed to be contemplating the words of the young man. “Some very well are but I know the very nature of this system that has allowed you to live comfortably and play enforcer has also created the conditions for many of the cases you faced to occur. There is seemingly no desire on your party to observe the society in which you live. In some ways you must know this and yet you do nothing so must in fact enjoy the system as is. You may in fact believe you are beyond politics but that is because you are apart of it and want to keep the masses in their alienated state.

Then as if that moment had never occurred, I saw Sherlock move grabbing myself and the young man to pull us down. A gun shot rang through the train cart slamming into the seat next to the young man’s head and I reached for my revolver. I was then struck with an upper cut by the young man as he made his escape. I was knocked to the floor with the revolver sliding down the aisle. Then another shot rang out and hit the floor, many of the passengers screamed and backed themselves to the side of the cart walls. Holmes and observed the impact on the floor and what looked like a crystallised substance of some kind shaped in a piercing bullet shape but broken up on the floor. Holmes looked at me as I recovered, and we seemed to communicate with out talking. Holmes stood up to face the man and he went for another shot I jumped into the aisle grabbing the revolver to fire up towards our assassin. He screamed but returned to cover dropping what I had briefly seen as a rifle. Holmes signalled to me to find cover myself as he crept slowly towards the attacker. This was until he appeared again but now with a hostage. I had seemingly struck his hip as a bloody hole was clear on his right-hand side. The assassin had grabbed a woman and was now holding a more recent Pistole. The man began speaking in a language I was not familiar and with some ferocity. Holmes inched ever closer to him but then man went to point the gun at Sherlock. I fired again in haste and without much calculation. I heard another scream the assassin then pulled the trigger on his pistole firing repeatedly as he recoiled in pain. Holmes then tackled him trying to prevent further victims. The assassin hit the ground and was then out cold, I saw the second set of damage I had produced and two of his fingers were now missing. The hostage was sent into a state of shock. Holmes stood up a reorganised himself and reviewed the situation. I made my way off the floor of the carriage and tended to the woman. “There we go my dear I see no cause for further alarm it seems you are all in one piece” Holmes did not speak but grabbed my attention to present a hole in her dress the size of a bullet. It had seemingly passed through without impacting her, but it was all too close. It also seemed that the impact was from my firearm.

Some time passed as we had the train arrive at the station and police came to collect the cause of much of the harm over the previous day and night. Sherlock did not speak to the police but instead made me explain much of the incident and even for him this was a bit too quiet. We then made our way to Kings observatory was a decent sized building in what was a field of sorts. The building was now empty but scattered chairs and a few pieces of paraphernalia strewn across the room. Holmes continued to be silent as he inspected the and wandered the building.

“So, who was he?” I exclaimed to break the silence. “Who?” Holmes turned to me with some confusion. “The assassin “I clarified” “Surely Watson you have some idea” “Oh Holmes I think I’m a bit tired of games right now.” “No, you are right Watson I apologize”. Our man was an agent of Tsar in Russia, and he was sent here to kill exiled subversives outside of the empire. I learnt from my inquiries yesterday that there is a growing tension in the east that they can’t seem to solve and something our government is concerned about as well. The Russians aren’t exactly our friends but with a united Germany and this new type of radical seems more of a concern then a simple rogue anarchist. “What could be more radical than an anarchist? I exasperated. Holmes didn’t seem to have answer and just stayed silent “What about those bullets?” Holmes seemed to elate for a moment “Those were hardened Salt crystal that whilst being kept cool in our weather that can be launched into an effective projectile. Thus, why a winter such as this seems to be perfect for such an operation.” “That is incredible Holmes I have never heard of such a projectile” Yes it seems there are many things now that are getting beyond our point of reference.” “Holmes?”

Holmes stayed silent and then made his way to something he had overlooked in his first inspection. A letter laid on a table at the centre of the room. “What is it Holmes?” I inquired. “It seems our messenger has left us another essay, except it seems this one is signed LT instead of LB” Holmes began to open the letter and study its contents.

“Watson?” “Yes?” I exclaimed. “I think I might be done. Holmes surprisingly laid the letter down sighing deeply and pressing his for head with his fingers as if to massage. “How do you mean Holmes you still stopped that assassin and these ruffians will be court in no time with us on the case.” “You may very well be right my dear Watson, however this becoming a little beyond my abilities. Today we had our greatest blunder and nearly our second. Neither our assassin or victims were a client we aimed to protect, and their actions are irrational and without pattern. In the first time in my life, I feel overwhelmed.

“But Holmes Surely…” I might just go and become a beekeeper.” “A beekeeper? “I stood puzzled at this admission, but he didn’t respond and just walked away. I had returned to my practice and two years later I would hear from Holmes again in the form of a letter.

“My dear Watson it seems events are transpiring in Russia at an alarming rate. I feel I should now confess to you that our messenger from two winters ago was also the writer of such letters. I feel now I can say to you I don’t think this new world we have entered since the beginning of the new century is the world I understand. Upon retrospection I feel also that I feel that whilst with much of our work we were deeply successful it did not stop the desire for crime, revenge, or greed. I do not feel I have a solution to this, but I can accept our many successes as they were. I however feel that this new world or maybe it is the same world I cannot be the solution to. I am not it seems capable of preventing all injustice. What was one a great game has become something more and I’m no long fit for purpose. This new world needs more than just one Sherlock Holmes and whilst I can never agree with the radicals, I find myself unable to counter the direction they are taking our future”



Maxim Otten-Kamp

Australian Labor Party member. Student of Politics and History with a deep passion on many issues and a united Global progressive movement.