It is happening again…

Maxim Otten-Kamp
3 min readFeb 19, 2022
Source Guardian Australia

Recently the Australian Labor Party was shocked be confronted by a smear campaign constructed by the Liberal Party. That the Labor Party is riddled with communists and Chinese influence or even Chinese Communist influence.

The fact Labor didn’t see this coming and has now tried to mobilise a civil response is unfortunate because I as a lowly plebeian within the party structure saw it coming a mile off. Months ago, I spoke to many of my “comrades” about the potential for the liberal party to mobilise such an attack. There were rumblings of it even back then but only as of just within the last week has it gone nuclear. With the government accusing the opposition leader and deputy opposition leader of being guilty of treason.

Evidence of the Manchurian candidate accusation.

Now let’s get this straight. Is the Chinese government an awful totalitarian oligarchy that should be called out regularly for their misconduct? Yes. Is the ALP their puppet on Australian soil? I would think not.

The fact of the matter is the Liberal Party are made up of bastards who are willing to do anything to stay in power. The fact this has not dawned on the party at large and greater public is a mystery but here we are in a world have been or some time that one of our major parties are just bastards.

The Party mentality is even more bewildering on this discussion. In recent discussion I had with a high-level party official they heard my concerns that the Liberal Party would do what they have done, and this could be a repeat of 2019. The response was no I don’t think so and we only lose 2019 because we gave them the ammunition for our own defeat.

This is the latest talking point with a stranglehold on the party that I have addressed before. Whilst Labor did make mistakes in 2019 these were mostly that of messaging. We were attacked, we didn’t respond or respond effectively, and we allowed the liberals to control the conversation. It was not the polices or anything of substance they just made-up things whole cloth and we let them get away with it.

This recent Labor announcement is derailed by the conversation around China at the 13 minute mark.

This I fear is happening again and I feared would happen again. This has worked for Liberal party back in the 1950’s with incidents like the Petrov affair and the attempt to ban the Communist Party of Australia led to the ALP kept out of power for over two decades. Was there anything real to these incidents that should have harmed the Labor Party? No not really, apart from Labor tearing themselves over the mess it created.

This is a tried and tested tactic by the LNP, and they will do it again. The situation is dire, and we only have a few months to the next federal election. The has been some minor pushback but if this has become mudslinging contest then Labor needs to start throwing the bigger globs of mud with rocks in it. If the ALP allows themselves to be called traitors and doesn’t start controlling the conversation they will be lost for another decade. They cannot rely on ASIO or anyone else to save them. There is no arbiter of justice in this dirty game, one side has to win, and I hope they do but they have to be willing to fight for it.

Anthony Albanese trying to take back control of the conversation.



Maxim Otten-Kamp

Australian Labor Party member. Student of Politics and History with a deep passion on many issues and a united Global progressive movement.